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Report: Somalia

Up to 14 dead in Shebab attack on Mogadishu UN compound

As many as 14 people were killed when Islamist al-Shebab fighters, some using vehicles laden with explosives, attacked a UN compound in Mogadishu on Wednesday.

Reuters/Feisal Omar

According to witnesses fighters first attacked the UN's compound gate with a car laden with explosives, after killing security staff, entered and held the compound briefly.

Before blowing themselves, the fighters had face-to-face clashes with UN security guards. Heavy gunfire and explosions lasted almost two hours inside the UN compound.

" I was running from a shot adjacent to UN compound when I hear a deafening sound followed by smoke, I became very shocked," said eyewitness Mohamed Ilkase.

According to eyewitnesses, as many as 14 people, including the attackers, were killed in the attack.

Somali government troops aided by the African Union force, Amisom, later surrounded the UN compound and started evacuating the UN expatriate staff.

One of the UN staff, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said more than 50 UN expatriates were in the compound and many had taken shelter in a secure bunker.

Four foreign security staff were believed to have been killed in the compound and five others were wounded.

The UN compound is in a high-security area near Mogadishu airport complex, where African Union military forces are based. The UN compound is used by agencies like Unicef, the WHO and the UNDP.

Al-Shebab militants have claimed the responsibility of the attack.

Some reports said UN staff, including foreigners, have holed up in “protected rooms” but the unfolding situation on the ground is not fully clear. 

Al-Shebab has carried out many deadly attacks in Mogadishu in the past.

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