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Gabon celebrates 60 years of independence, mostly under Bongo family rule

Gabon celebrates 60 years of independence on Monday, marked by a military parade in the capital Libreville attended by President Ali Bongo. The oil-rich country gained its independence from France in 1960 and has been ruled by the Bongo family dynasty since 1967, when Omar Bongo came to power.Β 

President Bongo and his wife Sylvia Bongo watch the military parade in Libreville, 17 August 2020.
President Bongo and his wife Sylvia Bongo watch the military parade in Libreville, 17 August 2020. Β© PrΓ©sidence de la RΓ©publique Gabonaise via Facebook

During a television address on Sunday night, Ali Bongo used the country’s anniversary of independence as an opportunity to sum up his performance as president since succeeding his father in 2009.Β 

β€œOn the political level, despite the trials and tribulations with which we are confronted, Gabon remains united and together," said Bongo.Β 

Bongo was reelected in 2016 following a vote that was disputed by opposition leader Jean Ping, a former Gabonese foreign minister and ex-chairperson of the African Union Commission.Β 

Clashes erupted between opposition protesters and security forces with at least 27 people killed and more than 1,100 arrested in several days of violence.Β 

β€œEconomically, we can all see progress, although it's certainly insufficient,” said Bongo, in his 60th anniversary address. β€œProgress isn’t fast enough, but it's still undeniable.Β There’s been delay over global factors that hits all countries.” 

Bongo also touched onΒ employment, education, digital services and healthcare, saying Gabon must rely on its past in order to build for the future.

Parade militaire - 60 ans d'indΓ©pendance

πŸ”΄Direct | Regardez la Parade militaire Γ  l’occasion de la cΓ©lΓ©bration des 60 ans d’indΓ©pendance de notre pays, prΓ©sidΓ©e par S.E. Ali Bongo Ondimba, Chef SuprΓͺme des forces de DΓ©fense et de SΓ©curitΓ© #BonneFΓͺteDeLindΓ©pendance #Gabon60ans #Gabon πŸ‡¬πŸ‡¦ #Gabon60ans #Gabon

PubliΓ©e par PrΓ©sidence de la RΓ©publique Gabonaise sur Lundi 17 aoΓ»t 2020

The Gabonese leader has faced a number of challenges in the last few years, suffering from a stroke at the end of 2018 and spending several months receiving treatment in Morocco.Β 

Bongo effectively ruled in absentia while recuperating in Rabat, appearing in videos recorded in Morocco and making trips back and forth to Libreville in order to swear in a new government.Β 

During his time in Morocco, Gabon suffered a high-profile coup attempt called β€œOperation Dignity” led by Lieutenant Kelly Ondo Obiang who took over the state-run television and broadcast a message describing Bongo's absence as a β€œspectacle” bringing shame on the country.

The opposition

Also speaking to markΒ independence day, opposition leader Jean Ping talked about the country’s healthcare system during the Covid-19 pandemic, saying it had been β€œabandoned” by the authorities.Β 

Ping recalled 2016 elections and his claims that he won more than 60 percentΒ of the ballot, pledging that he would remain committed to the vote of the people.Β 

The former African Union chief discussed the government-led crackdown on the opposition, saying they had endured β€œthe same blind and heartless repression” for the past four years.Β 

Gabon’s first president, LΓ©on Mba, did not actually support his country’s independence, in fact he preferred for Gabon to become an overseas department of France.Β 

For the ceremony marking Gabon’sΒ independence, Mba said his thoughts were with β€œfriendly France” towards whom he felt β€œgreat gratitude”.Β 

β€œTo General Charles de Gaulle, champion of the black man and of the Franco-African community, I say thank you from the depths of our soul," Mba added, reported French daily Le Monde.

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