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French press review 27 December 2010

Le Figaro gives front-page prominence to Laurent Gbagbo, the man the right-wing paper calls the "outgoing" president of Cote d'Ivoire. But, as the interview inside the paper makes starkly clear, Gbagbo ain't going anywhere.


He claims that, immediately after the run-off vote, the French and American ambassadors brought the president of the Independent Electoral Commission to the Golf Hotel, the headquarters of Gbagbo's rival, Alassane Ouattara.

There, the four men, without any external supervision, came to the decision that Ouattara had won. At the same time, the Constitutional Council was giving victory to Gbagbo.

Three west African presidents arrive in Cote d'Ivoire later today, with a view to getting Gbagbo to pack his bags.

He says they should have come a lot earlier and that, once they see the situation on the ground, they'll understand that the situation is very simple ... Gbagbo is the president of Cote d'Ivoire.

The same technique of insisting, refusing and general bluster has already worked for Robert Mugabe in Zimbabwe.

And no one, least of all Gbagbo, seriously believes that a Nigerian army under the command of Ecowas is going to fight Gbagbo supporters on the streets of Abidjan.

Business daily Les Echos has a good news front page, happily announcing that the American economy appears to be on the rebound.

US growth is expected to be around 4 percent next year, which may help poor old struggling Europe to turn the corner too.

Le Monde is not so sure. They see the coming year as absolutely crucial for the eurozone, saying that the 27-nation trading group will have to find ways of convincing investors that the European currency is a worthwhile longterm risk, not a terminally ill form of funny money.

Speaking of money, left-leaning Libération talks to some of France's most well-heeled, asking the nation's billionaires if they are likely to follow the example of fellahs like Bill Gates and Warren Buffet, and start giving it all away to those in need.

The simple answer, in this period of peace, generosity and goodwill: sod off!

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